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That’s me, thinking about my next short story – which I love to share in my newsletters
Stolen Moments Online Book Club
Hello! Thank you for dropping by my Stolen Moments Online Book Club. I’d love to have you join and receive my free books, plus a ‘sometimes’ regular newsletter. As well as my news, I like to send out a reviews of a book I’ve read or heard about, some jokes and maybe a puzzle or game. It’s usually monthly, but sometimes I’m delayed as our family tourist business can get quite hectic at different times of the year.
Free Gift Books
When my children were young (I have a son and a daughter), I loved our reading time together. I hope you get a lot of joy out of reading with your children too—and that they love a good read themselves. As a gift to them, here are two free digital books for them to try: The Runaway Rescue for 9-12-year-olds, and Cinderella Sarah, a collection of short stories for 5-9 year-olds. Simply subscribe to the Stolen Moments Online Book Club below and you’ll be sent an email link to download the books, plus details on how to get help to use the download file if you are unfamiliar with digital books. I hope you and your children enjoy them!
I promise to respect your privacy—I hate spam and will keep your details confidential. You can click on the link in the bottom of my book club emails to unsubscribe at any time. You can read my privacy policy here.
Receive a FREE Digital Book Box!
Want to try my books for yourself and join the Stolen Moments Book Club?
Receive your own Digital Book Box including:
The Runaway Rescue (for 9-12 year-olds) and
Cinderella Sarah (for 5-9 year-olds)
Join the Book Club Here to Receive Your Free Books: